We are now OPEN for Group & Private Lessons, Activities & MUCH MORE
We are now OPEN for Group & Private Lessons, Activities & MUCH MORE
A fabulous and easy way to experience the joys of horse ownership without having to shell out large amounts of money, without the worry that the horse or pony will be unsuitable, without the worry of where to keep your horse/pony, how to look after them, having the facilities, knowledge, experience and everything else required to keep your horse/pony healthy and also without the worry of having to sell your beloved best friend to find another one when you improve! What is not to love?
We offer a wide selection of horses and ponies for loan to our clients. This means that you can
have your very own horse/pony without the initial upfront costs and many other benefits! In
this document, we have outlined the general guidelines and necessary information for our new
• Giving you the opportunity to ‘Own’ a horse or pony without the initial cost of buying
• Buying a horse or pony carries more risk than buying a used car! This way, you already know the horse or pony and that they are safe and sound to provide you with hours and hours of fun and enjoyment not tears and heartache!
• We generally choose not to sell the LME horses or ponies because we like to retain control of their future lives, happiness, health and general wellbeing.
• As children grow, both mentally and physically, they often outgrow their ponies much sooner than anticipated. It is a lot easier for them to move up to another horse/pony without having the trauma of selling their beloved pony, safe with the knowledge that his/her future is secured here at LME and still be able to see them!
• There is no twice daily commitment to ‘Do It Yourself’ – carry on daily life knowing your horse/pony is receiving 5* treatment!
• Our horses and ponies are cared for by professionals 24/7 thus reducing the risk of inadvertently inflicting, by inexperience or lack of knowledge, ongoing health problems – regrettably, such situations are extremely common.
• Your horse/pony will be kept fit and can therefore meet the endurance requirements of the rider. Horses and ponies need to adhere to a fitness regime if they are to be expected to work e.g. a horse/pony who has not worked for three weeks cannot be expected to work for 2 hours.
• All of our horses and ponies will continue to be educated and are not allowed to be ‘naughty’. This generous attitude continues in the one-to-one relationship that develops with their owners. Horses and ponies are very bright and can develop bad habits very quickly. If they ever learn that they can say ‘No’, we as handlers and riders put ourselves in a very dangerous situation.
• Advice and assistance is available 24hrs a day, 365 days of the year.
• Horses and ponies on Working Livery work a set number of hours per week depending on age, type, temperament, time of year, etc. this information is recorded on a daily basis and assessed weekly so you can rest assured that each equine is treated on an individual basis.
• Horses and ponies are available at any time of the week around their working hours, although we will always try our best to work around you.
• We have lots of other owners of various ages and abilities so riding friends and companions are provided with our café, The Unicorn Cafe, being the perfect meeting place!
This part is the easy part! Together, with your coach, we can devise suitable Equine
options(s) for you to pick from. You can see which of the packages would suit you best,
understand the obligations (NONE!) and costs involved to assist you in making an
informed decision! It is best to speak to Georgia or Wendy to ensure that you understand
everything you want to – we’re happy to answer any questions or queries you may have!
Once you have committed, you will need to think about:
• Insurance for Rider – the BHS or Pony Club can provide this. The Pony Club also
give the U25’s the opportunity to gain recognition, awards, etc. for their
achievements along the way. Through the BHS, once 14yrs or older, you can start
working towards your Ride Safe & Stage 1 (should you wish to). More information
available on the respective websites.
• Insurance for Horse/Pony – although it is rare to actually need your insurance, it
is better to be safe than sorry!! We will provide all the Equine’s details you will need
for the policy, including their Passport Information. If you want to go for a full
Insurance policy, it is a good idea to shop around for premiums first. KBIS
Catastrophe Cover will cover all accidents for a smaller pay-out than a full insurance
policy. It is mainly Vet Fees that you will want covered so removing the other
options can make the policy cheaper. You do not need Loss Of Use Insurance for any
LME owned horses or ponies. You can discuss each of your options with Georgia,
Sarah or Wendy if you would like assistance! Melissa can provide you with the
Passport Information, as and when required.
• Initial Private Lessons – When taking on one of our Loan agreements, it is
imperative that we explain what and how we allow everything to be done. At least
1 Stable Management lesson will be required for the preparation and undoing of
your Horse/Pony in their environment. At least 1 Riding Private Lesson
incorporating the vital Warm Up and Cool Down of your horse/pony. These should
be attended by the Loaner AND any supervising parents/guardians. Your coach will
advise if you need any further lessons before being let loose!
• Equipment You Will Need – Basic, essential things for every pony owner are: a
headcollar & leadrope (size relative – ask if you’re not sure!) a Grooming Kit inc.
Plastic Curry Comb, Dandy Brush, Body Brush, Mane & Tail Brush and Hoof Pick and
Mane & Tail Detangler (although you must NOT use it in the Mane!).
• Weekly Lessons – You will need to maintain at least 1 group or private lesson per
week. This is necessary for us to ensure everything is going in the right direction
and measure progress. Your Coach may also give you homework which will enable
you to have some direction while riding without instruction.
• Riding on Your Own – you will have the opportunity to ride your Horse/Pony
without instruction once you have completed your initial Private Lessons.
• Rugs – You are responsible for ensuring that your horse/pony is fully equipped for
the season ahead. You will be advised about this via our Livery Owners WhatsApp
Group and our wonderful Team who will be happy to advise along the way!
• Shows & Activities (On-Site) – once you have your own Horse or Pony you will
then have the opportunity to join our Shows, Clinics, Activities, etc. There is usually
a show per month with varying disciplines throughout the year along with activity
days, specialist coaches coming in for clinics, etc. Your coach will assist you in
having all of the equipment you will need.
• Shows & Activities (Off-Site) – package must be upgraded to Working Livery +.
Depends on individual circumstances BUT all school ponies must only travel with
All categories of our contract are applicable to owners of private horses and LME Loan Horses, with a few exceptions.
(a) Insurance Cover
Insurance Cover for horses and ponies must be discussed with us as individual requirements vary greatly.
You will also need to ensure that the rider has their own insurance, usually obtained through Pony Club or BHS.
(b) Tack
Tack hire is compulsory at £4 per week unless alternative tack is provided for use by everyone.
(c) Illness, Injury & Disease – how the cost is covered.
Privately owned horses or ponies will have all treatment entirely funded by their owners.
Circumstances will dictate how the cost is covered, and the treatment of LME owned horses and ponies will be at our discretion, should the situation arise.
(Applicable to LME owned horses and ponies)
Building a relationship with a horse or pony is a great way of gaining confidence, not only in the equine sphere but life in general. Having said that, it is important that the rider and their assistants e.g. Mum & Dad (where necessary) have the confidence they need to begin with. We recommend a series of Private Lessons (usually 3 to 5) to understand everything that goes with the horse/pony including grooming procedures, tacking up, sufficient warm up, productive riding points for when you go it alone, unwind period, etc. There are many more points than on the surface but it is easily achievable with the right guidance!
All Livery Owners receive discount on 1hr Group and Private Lessons. It is important that all Owners receive continuous training and guidance in the form of lessons. This will also enable you to continue Personal Development and hopefully enable successful independent riding.
All Livery payments are to be made via Standing Order on the 1st of every month. Any extras that month will be billed separately and can be paid via bank transfer or cash/cheque.
1. FULL LIVERY – The horse or pony is not used in lessons and is kept solely for the use
of their Owner. This includes maintenance, feed, haylage, straw/shavings, etc. The care
of the horse on a daily basis includes being fed twice a day, hayed 4 times daily, mucked
out in the mornings, skipped out 4 times daily, etc. The horse or pony can be kept fit,
everything is tailored to the owner’s requirements and the owner is free from
commitment of looking after them. Full Livery starts at £500 per month.
2. WORKING LIVERY + – The horse is kept to the same standard and LME staff care for
the horse or pony on a daily basis, whether living in the field, loose housing unit or in a
stable. As above, the owner is free from the commitment of looking after their equine
friend. The regime of each horse or pony including feeding, housing, turnout and hours
worked, are defined on an individual basis. Working Livery + allows you the
opportunities to join the Competition Team on accompanies outings up to 2 times per month. Working Livery + starts at £382 per month.
3. WORKING LIVERY - The horse is kept to the same standard and LME staff care for the
horse or pony on a daily basis, whether living in the field, loose housing unit or in a
stable. As above, the owner is free from the commitment of looking after their equine
friend. The regime of each horse or pony including feeding, housing, turnout and hours
worked, are defined on an individual basis. Working Livery starts at £280 per month.
Breakdown of Routine Healthcare
• Our horses and ponies are all wormed as necessary, approximately 4 times annually. The cost is £5-£10 depending on the size and weight of your horse or pony.
• Your horse or pony will see the Equine Dentist approximately once annually at a cost of £50.
• Your horse or pony will see the Equine Physiotherapist approximately once annually at a cost of £55.
• Tetanus immunisations are biannual and cost approximately £30.
• Your horse or pony will need to see the farrier every 8 to 12 weeks.
Approximate costs are:
Foot Trim – No Shoes from £25
Front Shoes Only (New or Refits) & Trim Hinds from £40
Full Set of Shoes from £65
*N.B. You are required to indemnify LME against all veterinary costs so it's advisable to include insurance within your monthly total amount.
Building a relationship with a horse or pony is a great way of gaining confidence, not only in
the equine sphere but life in general. Having said that, it is important that the rider and their
assistants e.g., Mum, Dad, Grandma, Grandpa or whoever may be accompanying or supervising
ANY activities with the pony must have the confidence they need to begin with. You can gain
this with our support and guidance!
We recommend a series of Private Lessons (usually 3 to 5) for Stable Management and Riding;
to understand everything that goes with the horse/pony including catching your pony, tiring up,
grooming procedures, tacking up, sufficient warm up, productive riding points for when you go
it alone, unwind period, etc. There are many more points than on the surface, but it is easily
achievable with the right guidance! Everyone here had their first horse or pony once! Anyone
you ask will help, if they can so, please don’t be afraid!
All Livery payments are to be made via Standing Order on the 1st of every month. Any extras
that month will be billed separately and can be paid via bank transfer or cash/cheque.
We are happy to answer all questions by phone on 01446781648, email georgia@liegemanor.co.uk, our website chat, social media channels and in person!
Liege Manor Equestrian Centre
Bonvilston, Vale of Glamorgan, CF5 6TQ
Whether it's for you, or your child(ren), we have fantastic packages with Ponies available from just £205pcm*.
For more information, Learn More below and get your assessment lesson booked in and let us know you're interested in loaning!